Title :Explaining the process of development and evolution of culture, with emphasis on Sadraei’s theology
Student : Mohsen Labkhandagh
supervisor : Dr. Hamid Parsaniya
Advisor : Dr. GholamReza Jamshidiha / Dr. Ebrahim Fayyaz
Grade : PHD
Years : 2017
Abstract :
Based on the principles of transcendent theology, the true existence of society and culture can be proved.
This is possible by relying on several other principles, such as “unity of knowledge and knower and known.”
According to this principle, human beings who unite with single and common meanings, due to their existential union with abstract truths, have a single soul, and this single soul is culture.
Accordingly, culture will be the discounted form of a standard semantic system of the lifeworld of a group of people.
Although society is an actual composite that arises from the combination of human beings’ souls under its banner, society does not have a reality separate from its inhabitants. Instead, society is essentially made of the “soul,” but the soul that is wide and can be referred to as “human of the whole.”
Therefore, the rulings of society are rulings in accordance with the soul. But, of course, the soul is not a part but a whole. Therefore, fluidity and change are existential rules of society and culture.
Given that society is a wide soul, and also, because society does not have a separate identity from its inhabitants, so to explain how culture evolves, it must be possible to analyze the evolutions of the souls, as well as the human beings or the detailed souls that live under a semantic system, the wide soul.
The evolution of the soul, which is its substantial motion, is marked by the descent of human beings into the world of plurality.
Descendants in the world of plurality find themselves exposed to three types of communication: communication with themselves, communication with fellow human beings, and communication with other beings in the universe.
Within the framework of these relations, human beings seek identity. All these interactions occur under a fundamental connection, that is, a connection with the origin of existence –the Most High God.
In this way, man will move towards his goal during the mentioned four communications.
Meanwhile, man gets connected to all the universes through his soul. Therefore, the dimensions and affairs of his soul, including perceptual, stimulus and practical powers, spiritual and physical dimensions, and the two areas of human nature mediate its connection to the whole universe.
Hence, the analysis of how the affairs and powers of the soul are mapped in relation to man with God, self, all types and beings of the universe forms the macro framework of the analysis of the process of the evolution of human identity, as well as society and culture.
Principles such as the unity of the knowledge and knower and the known, the unity of love and lover and beloved, the unity of action and cause and effect, the physicality of occurrence and the spirituality of the survival of man, and the physical occurrence of societies and their cultural survival, etc. are among the philosophical issues applied in the above analysis.
By relying on the volitional changes they create within themselves during the four communications mentioned above, human beings pave the way for the emergence of a culture at a point in history and a platform for the nominal domination of divine names during the evolution of human evolutionary history.
Keywords: semantic system, culture, society, soul, substantive motion, evolution, quadruple communication