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Danishgah Blvd. , Pardisan , Qom , Iran

Title : The infinity of The Most High and the study of its relation to the personal unity of existence

Student : Javad jafariyan

supervisor : Dr. mohammadMahdi Gorjiyan

Advisor : Dr. Hasan Moallemi

Grade : PHD  Years : 2018

Abstract :

There are three expressions for infinity: infinity signifying deprivation of quantity in an absolute way, infinity signifying deprivation of quantity in the form of privation and possession, and infinity signifying deprivation of any kind of limit and restriction, including the essential limit, existential limit and non-limit, from which existential infinity has been mentioned, the latter expression is the accepted  meaning of this dissertation.

According to their own principles, philosophers have presented various aspects and interpretations of existential infinity, which go back to five main aspects: 1. Infinite in terms of intrinsic perfection, 2. Infinite in terms of all existential attributes (higher levels), 3. Infinite proof means the supremacy of all beings while accepting the multiplicity of instances of existence, 4. Infinite proof in the sense that there is no second for it in terms of existence. 5. Infinity as a negative meaning.

There are different interpretations about the unity of existence. Among these aspects, the unity of existence in question is a unity that considers only one instance of existence, and although it does not consider plurals as nonsense, it does not make a difference whether it considers possibilities as pure links or Adjectival features of existence.

This article has discussed the proof of the infinity of God from a rational point of view in the three schools of those who believe in the contrast of beings, those who believe in special skepticism and those who believe in the system of personal unity of existence.

From the point of view of Sharia, some verses and hadiths clarify the infinity of The Most High in three areas of the essence, attributes and actions, as well as the infinite connection with the personal unity of existence.

Among these, the most important objection to the personal unity of existence is the theory of the interference of beings, which in the author’s opinion is intellectually impossible, and from the religious point of view its documents do not convey the sense of interference.

Keywords: The Most High, infinity, existential infinity, personal unity, existential interference, intellect, Sharia