The translation of «The End of Society, the Beginning of Collective» was published

The translation of the book «The End of Society, the Beginning of Collective» by Bruno Latour was published by Baqir al-Olum University Press.

According to the public relations of Baqir al-Olum University, the translation of the book “The End of Society, the Beginning of Collective”, which contains articles on the thoughts of Bruno Latour, a French thinker and theorist, was published by Baqir al-Olum University Press in 422 pages.

Bruno Latour has been the most influential scholar of science and society for the past fifty years, after Thomas Cohen. Like Cohen, Latour’s most influential writings were philosophical before they were scientific. His writing style, focus and concepts have been loved by a wide range of audiences and have given him a sense of intellectual space. In all his works he has paid attention to the nature of the “social issue”. Of course, he does not consider it as a scientific (social) concept, but as a philosophical and people-methodological idea. The difference between social theory derived from anthropology and sociological theory may help to explain the broad impact of Latour theories.

Anthropology briefly describes the narratives that people attribute to their meaningful lives and activities; Anthropology does not recognize methodological or theoretical requirements, causal and scientific perspectives, and assumptions about the quality of social life in sociology as a scientific action.

It is worth mentioning that the translation of this book has been done by a group of translators named Moslem Solhi Rad, Afshin Nikbakht, Mohammad Reza Maleki Boroujeni and Hossein Haj Mohammadi.